There have been many times when I have needed to present information in an engaging manner. Sure, the classroom is one place, but teacher training is another. I've been to presentations where the presenter actually reads directly from the slides of the presentation, word for word. Yawn! Today there are many tools available for presentations, yet many educators continue to rely on Microsoft PowerPoint.
I read an article entitled, Death by PowerPoint, and am not surprised at the number of tutorials and how to's that cover PowerPoint use and overuse. It seems that many have relied on PowerPoint for sharing information both in education and in business. It is interesting to note that panic often sets in when the projector fails to work. Heaven forbid the individual would need to adjust their presentation! (Those in the 'know' always have a back up plan.)
On a recent flight to San Francisco, the gentleman beside me spent nearly all of his time working on a PowerPoint presentation. He was adding slides, deleting slides, adding graphics, attempting to add animation and more. Whenever one presents, they need to keep their audience in mind. In a school setting, do all core subject teachers use PowerPoint during the course of the day? Is there such a thing as PowerPoint overload?
I've heard the word PowerPoint used in place of the word presentation. PowerPoint is a Microsoft product. It is a presentation tool. As mentioned above, there are many presentation tools available. Keynote is Apple's presentation tool and comes standard with any Mac purchased. Google Slides is a presentation tool and offers the ability to collaborate on the presentation.
One way to integrate technology into your presentation is to use Padlet (32 interesting ways to use Padlet (Wallwisher) in your classroom). Present a question to your "audience" and have participants respond using Padlet.
Have you ever shared electronic files? You would be able to create files of graphics, journal articles, assignments, class directions and procedures and so many more items. Those students that need a print copy have the opportunity to have one on their own. Students that need to enlarge text can do so when the files are shared electronically.
Create zooming presentations with Prezi. Create online course work using Edmoto or Moodle. Utilize Evernote. Dare to motivate and captivate your audience by offering variety to your presentations.
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