Thursday, May 8, 2014

Frog Days of Spring

While teaching sixth graders, my team offered students a variety of activities during the course of a week.  We tried to make as many connections as possible with the theme.  We asked students to:
  • Read The Frog Prince
  • Review math concepts by using the teacher made, “HOP TO IT “ sheet.  Students were asked to ‘hop’ around the Math book answering a variety of questions.
  • Read The Frog Prince Continued and talk about points of view.
  • Use a graphing page in Math, “RRi-BETT”, and review ordered pairs.
  • Create a frog continent.  Design the continent, designate a frog civilization, and explain the customs, system of laws, and social structure of the civilization.
  • Write their own fairy tale about the inhabitants of the frog continent. 

The Celebrated Jumping Frog

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