Thursday, December 6, 2007

MDE's at USF

Great learning sessions this past weekend. Moodle, Adobe Connect, iLife08 overview.
Have added to Moodle Learning forums and am finding that most useful.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Pompano Beach in October

It was a wonderful training. Angee and I were trainer partners and the participants responded well to us. For Friday we worked with a group of elementary teachers who were enthusiastic and motivated. I trained Inspiration and Google. Angee did PowerPoint and I did Keynote. On Saturday Angee lead us in iMovie6 and MovieMaker. I increased my comfort level with both programs.

I won't be returning in November.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Return to Broward

I am returning to Broward County on October 18. We are set for the first two
days of the four day institute.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Summer Institutes Completed

Well, we made it! The summer was full of meeting new people, being in new places, facing challenges, and collecting AHA and WOOHOO moments. What a joy to see educators excited about going back to work and enthused about the new digital tools they will be able to use with their students.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Ruby Tuesdays on Tuesday

And this too...

Something to be aware of: as Lead I just stepped up to the plate. For example, we were to have a guided reflection for the end of the day. This is when they log into GAGGLE. Gordon, nor Michael had the reflection ready for us so I made it up..."What was your A-HA moment today and how would you use either digital audio, video, or images in your classroom?" You look out for the other MDE's like making sure they have the CD's needed to hand out and the flip books.

Day 2 in Sebring

Started day in large group and Michael went over copyright.

We all did Digital Images with Picasa...
problems...Picasa was copied but not installed
This group received new Kodak Easy share 630 cameras. They used them to take pics that we planned on using in the Picasa training. Problems occurred because some people had installed the Kodak software and it interfered with Picasa. Some fixes were to remove Kodak Easy Share and then open Picasa. Another was to locate the Kodak pics in the users folder and then copy/drag/drop into picasa.

Audacity- sometimes they need to turn off their computer, plug in the Logitech headphones, then restart the computer. The headphones are not always recognized.

Locate sound files on Have them listen to preview and then download. Be sure to select mp3 for format/right click with WIN and select either save link as or save target as.

Then show Audacity as a way to manipulate or use the sound byte they downloaded.

ALWAYS pay attention to those who need extra help. Write down their name, tell them you will check on them during group time on Wed. Be sure they feel you are supportive.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Here we are in Sebring!

Hotel snaffu...we'll be moving to new location after today's training. We are just shifting gears. Full evening last night with stuffing envelopes and going over the agenda. Had fun time at RJ Gators for supper. Wear comfy shoes! Remember to bring water!!

Friday, June 8, 2007

Lakeland Reflection

Wow! It sure is hilly and steep at Florida Southern College, but lovely. If you get a chance walk towards the Frank Lloyd Wright section of the campus towards the Library (Starbucks cybercafe there).

Shannon shared all the info needed at the hotel at breakfast, during the training, at the hotel after training, at dinner, after dinner...:-)

It was my first totally WINDOWS experience. You can see how I reacted to trouble shooting tasks!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Tuesday Lakeland 1

Guys, I'm tired. The hills, stairs, and distance around campus is taking its toll on this older body. Today were the three sessions: digital audio, images, and video. We also did a quick look and see podcasts available at iTunes.

Remember to bring water. Hard candies might help, because the AC isn't always regulated comfortably.

Monday, June 4, 2007

End of Day 1

Okay guys! I've only used the Mac and I am learning lots of cool stuff about Windows machines since that is what we have here.

More info on Google. People sign up for an account on Monday morning. You need to plan on typing their names to invite them to the spreadsheet where they will input their information. Suggestion: Type 3-6 names and invite. Then continue. It seems to hang if you attempt to do more, course it will depend on your network.

One of the things Shannon mentioned that she would appreciate Lead MDE's to do or be aware of is to keep a helpful 'eye' on the newbies. Some may need encouragement, some may need confidence building etc.

We have a lovely group of people. Tomorrow is the big day with Audio, Digital and Video.

Here We Go

Long and successful day setting up, checking equipment, going over agenda, having sessions assigned, etc. 85 participants expected. In a building built in 1910, power supply is limited...Meeting at 6:30 and will head over to the college before 7. Inspiration is morning topic and collaborating digitally - GOOGLE Docs n spreadsheets. Check out Gaggle as that is the tool they will be using to blog their reflections.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Preparing for Lakeland T&L Institute 2

I placed a few web sites for quick reference during the training (just in case). I am pairing up with John L to present in Lakeland. Marla and Hope are copresenters and Crystal will have her own group. My role as lead mde may be very differnet than what you all may experience, but I will share with you what I can. The size of the group may determine your role. I'm bringing bottled water for myself, think that's a necessity. We will be able to set up rooms and such at Florida Southern College on Sunday. Should be able to test some of the equipment which will make Monday go a bit smoother.

Web site resources

Digital Camera ideas
Using Digital Cameras in Elementary

Interactive Whiteboard Activities

50 uses

"Recipes4Success is your best resource for supporting project work with students. Recipes4Success includes software tutorials and reference guides, online tools, and a step-by-step process for implementing project-building with students."

Digital Reference Tools

Clip Art

Audacity Tutorial

JR ePortfolio

Blog example

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Preparing for Lakeland T&L Institute

I will be the lead mde in Lakeland June 3- 7. We will stay at the Residence Inn. Dave A has asked me to share my experience in the hope that it will assist others as they prepare for their turn. I will address: What went well? What problems arose? What would you do differently? Who were your contact people?

We have a pre-planning Breeze session set for Wednesday at 7PM. I expect this will take place prior to each Institute.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Call for Applications

The MDE program began in 2005. We are a
cadre of educators working with FCIT and USF,
as well as DOE, on the integration of technology
practices. Check the website
for a program description and application materials.
The deadline is July 25, 2007. This is from the web site:
"Applicants will be selected based on curriculum/content area
expertise (not necessarily technology integration experience)
and will represent the diverse contexts of education in the
state of Florida. Approximately thirty applicants will be
selected to represent the 5 regions of Florida from
public, private, and charter schools. (Preference will be given
to those districts without a current Master Digital Educator.)
MDE's will be trained in the digital tools necessary to fulfill the
expectations of their position within the Florida Digital Educator (FDE) Program."

Podcast done at FETC06:

Monday, April 16, 2007

Regional MDE Liaison's

Shannon announced the Regional MDE Liaison's on Saturday, April 14. Jeanne Rogers (Region 4), Dave Anderson (Region 2), Cheryl Cyrus (Region 1), Po Dickson (Region 3), and Daryl Diamond (Region 5) will be working together on Breeze and preparing information to share with our individual region.

The weekend was informative as we revisited the planning of the Teaching and Learning Summer Institutes.

Monday, April 9, 2007

MDE Cohort 1 meets April 14-15

Yippie! It is time to head back to USF for an MDE training meeting. We've all been busy with our district assignments but it is getting to be that time of year to plan for Teaching and Learning Institutes. So we will gather at the University and greet each other warmly. Business matters will be discussed and learning will take place. Makes for an interesting weekend renewing acquaintances and gearing up for the summer sessions.

Past Blog Entries

The journey has begun. We have set sail on an adventure, full of hope, eagerness, and a keen desire to learn and know.

April 14 -15, 2007 Tampa. A meeting for just the 2006 MDE cohort will be held on
April 14 -15 in Tampa at USF. Travel (lodging, meals, arranged transportation) will be
paid but this meeting will not be a paid training.
May 19-20, 2007 Tampa

Thursday, 4 January 2007
MDE IN 2007
Lots of possibilities for 2007 with the MDE program. Results of this year's EETT
grants should be coming out in the near future.
There will be a spring meeting I hope. There are 4 or 5 planned summer
institutes. There may be weekend involvement. After being
trained to be a classroom observer from the University of Memphis, our services
may be requested to observe classrooms in various counties.
I did submit my name for Hillsborough county.

Friday, 3 November 2006
Good news! I received a $300 Pasco County Education Foundation grant. My
grant is "Podcasting Improves Fluency". This is part of my Professional
Development Plan and action research for this school year (2006-2007). I will be
working with students on read alouds and we will make podcasts available
schoolwide through our school web site (

Saturday, 28 October 2006
What lies ahead for the MDE's? Kate Kemker has sent out information to districts
around the state
informing them of the EETT grants available. Deadline is November 30. Master
Digital Educators are
mentioned in that letter.
Individually we are all going through lifes ups and downs, trials and tribulations,
hopes and fears.

Sunday, 27 August 2006
We head to Tampa for September 16 and 17 and will gather at USF, Education
department for training and a meeting with MDE's.
I look forward to seeing friends and colleagues and to discuss goals for the
coming year.
tags: mde

Saturday, 24 June 2006
I was in Tallahassee this week presenting for the Teaching and Learning Summer
Institute. I did two sessions on Graphic
Organizers, specifically Inspiration. My co-presenter was Angee. We had fun!
Some of the participants had prior knowledge, but
we showed them how to hyperlink, use Word Guide, and record audio.
On Day two my co- presenter was Cheryl and our topic was Podcasting. Very few
had any knowledge of what, how or why and that
was fun showing them
Day three was a full work day for the collaborative projects. I was able to offer
one on one assistance and even little break out sessions on
Day four arrived and we were so impressed with the projects the individual teams
presented. Hard work and lots was learned.
I value what I learned on the Windows machines.

Saturday, 27 May 2006
Here are sites to use when teaching Podcasting:
Chaptertoolme 03/29/2007 10:07 AM Page 3 of 3
Free podcast videos from Apple, using them in education.
Student podcast sample: