FETC 2014 is in full swing today offering time in the exhibit hall and speaking with company representatives: Edmodo, Follett, Google Apps in Education, Dell, Amplify, and SynergySE, just to name a few. As people mill in and out of display areas, the conversations vary but an overall topic is "I'd like to use that in my classroom."
Connecting with what is available is an important step for an educator or administrator. When you see a technology tool and make the connection of how it can improve student learning, you've had a
WOW moment. It just might be the catalyst needed to change perceptions.
Twitter is active and #FETC is among the lead in topics of the day. Speakers have used Twitter to advertise their sessions, share resources, and comment on the conference and the impact it is having on them. Pics are being posted on Twitter as well. Here are a few tweets, just to give you an idea!
- "Did you know there are 300 Canandians at #FETC?" from MindShareLearningMag
- "Twitter makes PD personalized." from Jonathan Apostol
- "Second Session that read write think from Thinkfinity has been shared today at #fetc cube creator. Favorite ela resource." Rhonda Roysden
Connecting with friends and meeting new people is a real plus when it comes to attending conferences. Your PLN (Personal Learning Network) continues to grow. Here I am with Luis Perez (Accessibility and Inclusive Design Consultant) and Tony Dutra, (Region 5 Technology Coordinator, Technology & Learning Connections/USF).